Leadership Fundamentals - Operations Decision Making

  • Level: Leader
  • Course time: 1 hour
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Operations leaders face tough challenges each day. And most times, efficiency and getting the work done are the top priorities. Unfortunately, it can be easy to rush to judgment making poor decisions or avoid making decisions altogether in the heat of the moment. Perhaps you also limit problem solving because you already have a specific solution in mind. 

At a core level, decisions are an action, involve a choice, include risk, and carry emotions. It can be common to have some fears about the decision-making process and the courage it takes to make them. You are not alone and share these traits with others.   
What you are going to learn

A few more words about this course

In this course, you will recognize common pitfalls in decision making, be able to assess risks and consequences, and use a consistent process or a decision-making framework to grow your leadership decision-making skills.  

After completing this course, you will have the foundation necessary to make more intentional and informed decisions, ease your fear, and strengthen your decision-making courage.
Learning outcomes for this course include:
  • Assess decision making skills
  • Recognize common pitfalls in decision making
  • Establish and apply a decision making framework for decisions
  • Assess risks and consequences for decisions
  • Practice decision making scenarios

Julie Jones

Learner, Leader, Coach
A gatherer of new ideas so I can translate them into creative learning and development programs for leaders. I spent more than 30 years as a leader in healthcare foodservice, an industry I love. Finding what makes learning happen for others is my passion. I share more stories about learning and leader evolution in the learning blog on this site!