Leadership Fundamentals - Motivation and Employee Engagement

  • Level: Leader
  • Course time: 1 hour
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The Great Resignation, the significant departure of employees who quit their jobs during the COVID pandemic, has stressed workplaces in new ways. Unfortunately, employee engagement statistics are also at some of the lowest levels they have ever been.

As a leader, wouldn’t you like to have a magic wand and wave it broadly to build a better workplace that supports people, growth, learning, purpose, teamwork, and business outcomes? What elements might you need to include in your magic wand to promote better employee engagement and retention?

What you are going to learn

A few more words about this course

The essential elements of motivation and employee engagement - belonging, autonomy, mastery, and purpose can be tapped to build a work environment where teams function well, and individuals are motivated to engage and perform while also feeling supported by you as their leader. In addition, these elements will help you set the framework for your work culture and the expectations of your team.

After taking this course, you will be more confident in fostering motivation and promoting employee engagement and teamwork. Use the practice activities and worksheets to extend your learning. 
Learning outcomes for this course include:
  • Describe the principles of motivation
  • Identify key elements that promote employee engagement
  • Describe factors that promote or hinder autonomy, mastery, purpose, and belonging
  • Evaluate scenarios for impacts on motivation and employee engagement 

Julie Jones

Learner, Leader, Coach
A gatherer of new ideas so I can translate them into creative learning and development programs for leaders. I spent more than 30 years as a leader in healthcare foodservice, an industry I love. Finding what makes learning happen for others is my passion. I share more stories about learning and leader evolution in the learning blog on this site!